You can use the YB Races app to track our progress in real time. Click or scan one of the buttons below to install it. (AppStore for Mac, iPhone or iPad; Google Play for PC/Android Phones and Tablets.)
You can join the Dot Watchers Group on Facebook to get up-to-the-minute information about the race and rowers. Dot Watchers is a group for family, friends and dedicated race followers suffering from the well known addiction of a four-hourly pattern to look at a mid-Atlantic dot! This group is set up for those who know someone participating in the The World’s Toughest Row, Atlantic or Pacific. Here you can share your worries, tips, moments, travel plans etc. The group is administered by Atlantic Campaigns and all members need to be approved by admin.
The World's Toughest Row YouTube channel will regularly post new videos from the race start to finish.